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TASC State Report Forms


What are report forms?


From the state website:


"In an effort to uphold standards for the effective operation of local student councils and provide recognition for the outstanding work of student councils in Texas, the Texas Association of Student Councils sponsors a recognition program for member schools.


Each TASC district president school is responsible for collecting and judging the completed report forms from schools in their district. President schools submit the names of schools achieving outstanding status in each area. Forms must be submitted at the district level. The deadline for submitting reports is set by each TASC district and usually varies, although mid-March is the most likely time. YOU MUST CHECK WITH THE TASC DISTRICT PRESIDENT FOR THESE DATES. The state office can only recognize those schools reported by districts. Individual forms are not accepted at the state office.


High Schools and Middle Level Schools receiving recognition in Outstanding Student Council (OSC), Pride and Patriotism (P&P), Energy and Environment (E&E) and Drugs, Alcohol, Safety and Health Issues, (D.A.S.H.) and also submit a Community Service Report will be named Sweepstakes Schools. High School and Middle Level School awards are mailed toward the end of the school year."


TASC District 3 submits report forms for verification at our annual spring conference.  You must be a paid member of District 3 in order for forms to be verified and submitted to the state.


Options to submit forms if your school is unable to attend the spring conference:

1. Send forms with a school close to your school.

2. Mail them to the host school.  Do NOT submit your forms electronically - the host school may not have the ability or budget to print out your forms for verification.




It is the responsibility of the school submitting to ensure that their report forms are picked up.  It is NOT the responsibility of the host school to return report forms.

TASC District 3


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